Friday, September 26, 2008

Thank God this week's almost over...

This week has been absolute fucking hell. Between drinking too much, not sleeping enough and how much I hate the work I do right now, I don't know how I survived.

In my line of work, the trend right now seems to be:

buys policy to get proof of coverage. Once gets the certificate, gets done and then can't maintain payments on his/her policy, so lets coverage cancel. Three months later when a $5,000 contract comes along, I (we--sorry Jules!) go through the process with again. It really sucks. It's a waste of my (our, sorry again, Jules!) time, intelligence and resources. F*cking losers. Who are YOU to take advantage of us? (I remembered, Jules!)

Here's my solution. If we have written their coverage before and they cancelled for non-pay, we charge a $75 cancellation fee, double the agency fee AND refuse to request binding without payment in full. It's fool-proof and brilliant! I will have to pass it through management, of course...who knows how that will be met. If it did work and the procedure was implemented, every time I billed that extra shit, I would do a happy dance, I swear!

I will get off the insurance industry soap box. "Next!"

So, do you want to know the final (and strongest) reason why my week was so bad? A co-worker suggested that I search the web for my name to see what is out there about me. Low and behold, I was pleasantly surprised! There I am on the AIP site as well as on the APA Austin site! My name in lights! How cool is that? The next "find" is what totally sent me over the edge yesterday.

To be continued...


whall said...

But we have tri-cups tomorrow! Yay!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it.... great job on your first blog! Can't wait to read your "to be continued".....